Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Flickr Targets Photos, Continues Rocking My World

Yes, today is the day that has been on the minds of many a web photo person - the day that Flickr busts open the get prints option. Ten years from now this day will be some kind of National nerd holiday. October 26th. The day of prints.

Really though, Flickr is great because people want to share and comment and do ONLINE with photos. All the other big sites like Ophoto and Shutterfly and whoever else, ..just didn't get that. Flickr did. Yeah, you can get prints now, but it still won't ever be Flickr's bread and butter.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Joyent seems to Rock

Joyent. Watch this company. It could get very popular very quick. Small ad agencies and small teams in general could use a break from complicated, expensive, and dull Microsoft products like Sharepoint and Project.

Joyent sells a server called the Joyent Connector. "It’s a simple box that you install in your office or home. Just plug in the power and plug in a broadband internet connection. That’s it — your Joyent Connector can now be accessed from anywhere in the world."

They have a wonderful product tour.

"Jill is sure she could figure out how to configure a complicated server operating system on a complicated server machine, but why try? And while she could hire a computer consultant to do this for her, she’s wary of the cost. Jill doesn’t want to spend money to pay for basic set up or ongoing server support. When Jill spends her technology budget, she wants it spent on activities that save her money or increase revenues. Jill wants her technology spending to increase her bottom line not decrease it."

I'm also hearing good things from people who are using Basecamp in conjuction with Strongspace, a place to gather, store, back-up and share any type of files, especially for group use.

The hard thing of course is switching over - changing how you do things - managing the limbo time in between your old system and the new one. That seems to be key. In the end though, these kind of tools save small busy teams SO VERY MUCH TIME.

These kinds of tools are built for great freelance teams and development guys who like to work at home in their underwear. ..Not that I would know anything about that at all.


You're wasting your time reading my entries. Go to Drawn. Great stuff there. Hours upon hours upons days of links and resources.

I found it on blogshares. The top graphic design blogs apparently. I'm guessing some made it into the list through unscrupulous means, but some are very good, that I'd never heard of before.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Via Design Observer:
No two people see exactly the same thing. When viewing a piece of work, clients see one thing, designers another. In his 1943 book The Art of Seeing Aldous Huxley called this “the mental side of seeing”. Huxley observed that if a naturalist walks through a forest, they would see things that no layperson would see. It’s the same with design: as soon as we become professional designers we lose the ability to look at our work in an untutored way. We see it “differently”, which causes much of the frustration and antagonism that exists between clients and designers.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

2500 Polaroids

Spectacular method. This video is grand, simple, and inspiring.

Made by Collider