Tuesday, January 17, 2006

stumbling around .htaccess

The way to enable your site to allow server side includes without having to use "shtml" extensions on all your pages can be done by having an ".htaccess" file in your root directory that looks like this:

Options +Includes
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml .html .htm

Of course, the struggle was that once you try and name a file locally with a period as the first letter of the filename, you can't work with it. Some ftp browsers won't even see it.

The trick then, and this is one of those little things you wish somebody just came and told you, is to name the file differently to start out with, ..soemthing like htaccess.txt, upload it, and then rename it to .htaccess with your ftp browser.

File under: Things you'll need again but will have forgotten

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Why Your Camera Does Not Matter

"The advantage of modern equipment is convenience, NOT image quality."

The article seems to ramble on and on, but interesting none the less. Alot of people spend way too much time worrying about, talking about, stumbling over, ..equipment, be it cameras or software - instead of focusing on the original task they set out to do.

Khoi Vinh

"..the chance to help shape the design language at what remains, for all its imperfections, the most well-respected news organization in the world… that’s not something that falls into one’s lap with anything close to regularity."

What a job.