Thursday, June 16, 2005

On Being a "Decorator"

Working on an internal corporate design team has its own benefits and drawbacks. One all too often drawback would be tight deadlines. VP's usually don't understand the timelines that professional* design projects require, and tend to send over things to "beautify" and or "make pretty". I don't like the idea of being considered a "decorator" but you kind of put yourself in that box sometimes.

The thing about quick turnaround times however, is that sometimes you're on, and sometimes, you're just not - and projects suffer. Sometimes its out of your control. Occasionally you're able to follow through and somehow pull a rabbit out of your hat, providing someone with great work even though they dropped a bomb on you at the last minute. They'll be very pleased, and expect another miracle next time.

The trick is to try and balance your time spent running and gunning ..with a good amount of time looking at things you get inspired from. I think it's all about how you prepare yourself in your downtime.

Sometimes however, you just suck. And the deadline doesn't allow for it. That's when the deadline-setter walks away with mediocre work.

*Making an assumption that I'm a professional. That statement may be premature.


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